Corona virus 16

334 positive cases in Umbria. 35% jump. In Italy the numbers passed China. The overall number in Italy jumped 11%. It is very depressing to see no slowing.

15 doctors have died from the virus. A person dies every 15 minutes in the Milan hospitals.

I was just reading in Corriere della Sera, one of the main Italian newspapers, about changes in the rules they are discussing.

One, they are thinking of closing the grocery stores on Sundays. And possibly on Saturday afternoons.

And two, always of interest in our house, the passeggiata, or walk outside. People have been using it as an excuse to meet friends, which is against the rule to do the exercise alone. They say they are still not going to make a solo walk with no possibility of meeting up with anyone illegal. But they may do so at a future date. So we can still walk alone outside. Here is the article in case anyone wants to read it.
Corriere article

Today was our Italian lesson. This time using Skype. My first time. My impressions were positive.

I sent Luther to do grocery shopping. We had decided to take turns. He came back with masks, and a newspaper. 😑 No food. So, now, for some reason, he thinks it’s my turn to go out. Even though he didn’t bring any food back. Hmmmm.

He went back out…and did some serious hunting and gathering. Fresh vegetables, salad greens, and meats of all kinds. We should be good for a while now.

I was a beautiful day. It reached 70F today. I spent some time on the terrace getting some vitamin D. This picture is in the other direction…away from the river. Houses along the city walls. An active view. A lot going on.


Stay safe everyone. Stay home. 🏠

2 thoughts on “Corona virus 16

  1. Marjorie Arvedon

    Dear Nancy, My heart breaks for the people of Italy during this sad, awful time. Every morning I get the updates from my friend Shawn, who was a high school classmate in New York state. He lives in Napoli with his wife, who is an obstetrician; many of their family members are also health care providers. Shawn was our host in Napoli last fall during our momentous high school re-union there. He, in conjunction with the US Navy, really knocked himself out to show our group a fabulous time. Now Shawn pivots to caring for/about his immediate family and friends, military associates, then to his family and friends “back home.” In particular, he has been “ringing the alarm bell ” to his American family and friends of what’s to come for us here.
    On another sad note, I feel that our Orange Dictator here is suppressing Dr. Fauci from expressing his (Fauci’s) medical advice and best recommendations to manage the epidemic here. And unfortunately the press does not know enough to question Dr. Fauci directly..oh, if I ran the circus…
    On another note, I was happy to hear Luther went back out for food! How did that come about? Did you need to remind him of that “plan” to alternate days running errands meant “buy fresh food? Hmmmm….
    I wanted to make sure to tell you that your recipe for the vegetable soup was BRILLIANT.. and of SO delicious! Being a Friday in Lent, it was wonderful! I had never tried farro before, it was a perfect ingredient, too.
    And thanks for sharing the beautiful picture of the roofs of your town with the mountain in the background.
    Forza Italia
    Andra tutte bene

  2. Caroline Martin

    Thanks Nancy for your updates. This will pass, in the mean time lets keep taking care of everyone!

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