Bucharest – day two

Romania trip report index

Part Two

Another beautiful morning. Our weather has been superb with temps in the low 80s F and cloudless. We decided to do a couple of museums today. We visited the Romanian folk life museum, which was interesting. Lots of artifacts culled and saved from the countryside. They have beautiful costumes with amazing needlework. I guess that’s how they stayed busy in winter. I noticed all the vests were made from hides. They had the fur side in for warmth. This small tombstone seems to inspire people to leave money at it’s base, perhaps they make requests and leave a donation…
Example of the painted alter pieces. They had four themes and were nearly all the same. The same open book, same way they held their right hand.
Examples of the beautiful needlework. It was on slightly rough but still soft linen.



Then we visited the Geological Museum. Lotsa rocks, which are interesting to a point. Some other interesting evolutionary stuff. We did not stay too long. It was lunch time.

We took the Metro back. They have a nice one but it is not finished. Lucky for us were are near the University stop and the museums, in the Garden District are just two stops away. We decided to try an outside place near our hotel. It had decent sandwiches and world class French fries. It had a shady patio so it was OK.

For dinner we went back to the Bistro GUXT. It was again good. Tomorrow we are off to Transylvania.

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