Another anniversary

Following close on the heels of our wedding anniversary, today is a special day. It is our ten year anniversary of coming here to Italy to live. It is amazing to me that ten years have passed. Here’s hoping for ten more! Felice anniversario to us!

24 thoughts on “Another anniversary

  1. Nancy Hampton Post author

    Aw thanks Lindsay. Most of the reason I write it is so I can go back and reread things. So my memories are saved! 💕

  2. Nancy Hampton Post author

    Hi Noel, my email is on the contact page if you want to chat. Better there than here 🙂

  3. Lindsay

    Well that definitely is something to celebrate ! Such a lot has happened in those years and so much of it is in this wonderful blog.

  4. Noel

    Our apartment is in Spoleto, nel centro storico. There are some lavori that we need to have done, so I’ll be looking through your past posts for more advice!!

  5. Carlo

    Congratulations to you both on the occasion of reaching your tenth year of living in Italy. And, thank you for so carefully chronicling your journey. It has been both entertaining and educational. You are an inspiration. Thank you.

  6. Nancy Hampton Post author

    Oh congratulations Noel! Happy to have inspired you and I hope you’re a happy here as we are. Where will you be?

  7. Liz Kessell

    Felice anniversario to you and Luther. I am sure there will be lots more wonderful years ahead. You both made such a great decision to move to beautiful Italy.

  8. Noel

    Auguri, Nancy & Luther, on both anniversaries!

    Just would like to say that your blog has been one of multiple sources of inspiration as my wife and I have pondered the idea of moving to Italy. Two weeks ago, following our daughter’s wedding in Toscana and our fourth stay in Umbria since 2022, as well as multiple other visits to Italy over the decades, we took the plunge and bought an apartment.

    So, thanks for your ever- fresh recounting of your life in Italy. I so enjoy it, even if mainly in the background.


  9. Veronica Decanio

    Happy dual anniversary. I’m expecting my last document today and then everything off to the lawyer. And then, of course, I wait.

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