Umbria is a four season area, as is most of Italy. People seem to think Italy is warm in winter, especially in the south, but this isn’t true. But it’s also not terribly cold except in the mountainous north. It does snow in most of Italy but usually only a little. They had snow recently in far south Sicily. Our temperatures here can get as cold as the upper 20s at night with normal daytime temperatures in the day in the 50s. It can be gray and damp, with quite a lot of rain. I don’t like the season much but it can be very beautiful in a stark way.
Bathroom ~~~~~~~ I met with Irma yesterday to finalize all the bathroom things like under sink built-ins, shower seat, number of tiles up the walls. We still have to go pick the countertop for the sink and the circle in the shower. This last bit is a little hard to describe so you’ll have to wait to see it in the end. The plumber came and said they didn’t finish the demolition. So the muratore returned today and made a lot of dust and noise. When he was gone we were left with this. I think the plumber returns tomorrow. We’ll see…
Yesterday and today we had very high wind warnings. It boomed on the canopies out on the terrazzo. I drove to the Tuscan town of Sansepolcro where I get my hair cut. Even the VeeDub had trouble with the wind and we had to negotiate around a double trailer semi which had been knocked into the guardrail and partially jack-knifed.
I promised some photos. The first two are of the bath after the appliances and plumbing was disconnected. The next one is today after all is gone.
Now, it’s ready for the plumber who’s coming on Monday. Then I think the muratori (wall guys) will come back and smooth the walls and floors and finished the enclosure for the toilet. After all that, the pretty stuff happens 🙂. ~~~~~~~~ Our weather has been quite mild for the last couple of weeks and lots of rain. Weekend coming up. We have a few things on. Tonight we are going to our Italian family’s house for dinner. This is Vera and her husband and a Danish couple that she works for. We’ve met them before. They are wealthy and that’s hard to do in Denmark! Tomorrow, I’m working at Books for Dogs then I’ll go to the market. Sunday we are meeting American friends who live nearby for lunch at Calagrana. They are the ones that we help with the olive harvest every year. Calagrana is closed for the season, but they open now and then for a lunch or dinner and we get an email when they do. We have not been since Thanksgiving, so I am looking forward to that!
Buon Weekend! (Yes that’s really a thing they say here. Much easier than fine settimana!)
We said farewell to our friends with a lunch on Lago Trasimeno. Our big, beautiful lake. We chose Sottovento. All seafood. A good lunch. We had storms brewing and much wind. When we left the restaurant, it was beautiful sunshine and also storm clouds.
We are now home for the foreseeable future. Time to do all those things we have been putting off. Like doctor appointments and checkups. I also have about a bazillion pieces of art that I want to frame, not to mention decide where to hang them. I bought a new cordless drill and a set of bits that I can use on these masonry walls. Hanging pictures is no easy feat here. I managed to hang a small coat rack as my first try at the drill thing. And golly! I did it!
~~~~~~ Today I met up with Irma, our architect for coffee at Vivo, a coffee, pastry, pizza, and restaurant next to the river. Big space. Nice. We are beginning our adventure to renovate our guest bathroom.
All of the bathrooms here, there are three, are — can I say horrible? Yes they are horrible. Old, dated, with many parts that no longer work. Tiny showers with plastic doors. Or worse, no shower at all, as in our main bath…just a tub and squirter which, to use, you need a set of pliers to switch the water from squirter to faucet. 😳 All have toilets with tanks up above your head which either shout at you when you flush, or you have to stand next to them to be sure they won’t keep running. Faucets that don’t work. Garish tiles. I could go on!
So off we went to visit a store with all the toilets, sinks etc. Also the tiles and stone for the walls and floor. So many choices! Actually too many. I am a person who wants to make the decisions and get it done. No looking back. So if you present me with too many, it makes me crazy. But then, there is the pleasure of looking at the beautiful Italian design. People all over the world buy Italian designed and made things. I am so lucky to live right here among them.
So, we decided on the suspended toilet. The kind where you can clean under them and you see the whole floor. They also have toilets where the seats slowly lower themselves. I have to have that! We picked brushed steel faucets, shower, etc. I also picked the color of my fixtures. I decided the walls and floors will be neutral (but with textures) and the fixtures will be the focal point. I won’t tell you the color yet…you have to be surprised!
Next we walked around the corner to a place that cuts and polishes stone for kitchens, baths, and more I’m sure. Giuseppe was the owner. All the people, artisans really, that I met were just so proud of their work. Their products. Giuseppe showed us pictures of a kitchen he did in London…a mega kitchen. It was as if he was showing us pictures of his grand children 🤣 His place was incredible.
The stones were beautiful. So many textures and hues. Marble, travertine, granite, etc. I guess he networks all over the world. Look at some of these beauties!
This one is natural stone but I could hardly believe that it was.
I was leery of the cost. I don’t want this to be a showcase bath, I just want it pleasing to look at and functional. And not cost too much. Irma assures me it is comparable in price to the manufactured stuff. I am skeptical. If it is I would be happy to have some in the bath, in combination with man-made stuff. Irma will make some more drawings and show some ideas for these different finishes.
As we walked back, we were right next to the famous Rometti Ceramics factory so we said, what the hey, let’s go in. There is history here. Many of the pieces are displayed in galleries in Milano. It is that kind of famous. And it is here, in Umbertide of all places. The modern ceramics are designed by individual designers. They are all very different. There isn’t a brand per se. The second picture below is really the closest there is to a brand. The black and white, sometimes with an additional color. Very 1930s art deco.
Then we were invited into the back room which is the factory. There were many workers smoothing the unfinished pieces, painting, glazing etc. We met some of the artisans and again, so proud of their work.
Irma and I both saw together, a bowl and urn that we loved. A rich green with a bamboo looking rim. So beautiful. We learned that some of the ceramics are inspired by haute couture in Milano. Or maybe vice versa. I wasn’t sure. We saw the beautiful green gown to which these pieces were similar. I told Luther, should he want to get me a gift, one of these would be it.
It was a productive morning. I will continue to post about it as we move forward.
So today we got the countertop. The plumber finished his work. And the electrician sort of finished. He still has several things to finish. He will be the last man standing.
The counter people were extremely proud of their counter with its embedded cooktop. We got a pot of water boiling and discussed the way the controls work. Pictures to come in another post. Here are pictures from today with captions.
Countertop on truckElevator thingy Working the counter and plumbingWorkers are gone. Still electric things to go but mostly done.Luther called the island Greenland 🙂Sink Wine cooler has 2 temperatures, one for white, one for red.
Tonight I cooked dinner up here. But not in the kitchen. I had marinated a flank steak and cooked it on the outside fireplace. But I had to stay nearby to tend the fire to get it hot so I stayed upstairs for the first time. I found it very comfortable. I love the sofa. Here is a view of the kitchen from the sofa. Loving it. Finally a relaxing moment. 🙂
Monday, bright and early the cabinets arrived. Each painstakingly brought up on foot or in the elevator if it would fit. First here are a couple pictures of the empty space.
I like the color of the wood pieces. And I like my choice of cabinet colors. A very subdued sage leaning almost to beige. I can definitely see the green in them though.
First picture is just after delivery. The others are after they finished for today. The island is not yet positioned where it will be. But you can get the idea. I also found out the counter won’t arrive until Wednesday. The electrician and plumber come tomorrow.
Today was the eighth day of work. The ceiling and walls were sanded and they put plaster on them so they actually look like walls now. They also leveled and smoothed the floor. They told me the new floor would be installed tomorrow or day after. That will make a big difference as well.
The electrician came back today as well because for some reason he only had one wire in the ceiling above the island when we need three – two for lights and one for the hood. So now they are there.
Monday brought the builders back. The builders cover up the holes and the pipes that were left open or exposed by the plumber or electrician. The back wall by the window does look nicer now. And the holes along the wall are filled in. They left early today. Maybe to let it dry? Don’t know. Anyway, it looks a little more like a room and a little less like a bomb blew up here. Still plenty of rubble though.
We had a day off yesterday since the plumber finished a day early. Today the elettricista came along with an assistant. He worked all day. We decided to deep six the security system which is 20+ years old. Nowadays there are much better alternatives.
He has finished and left a large pile of rubble. Irma says the builders will be back either Monday or Tuesday. I guess it is their job to remove all the trash and rubble from the elettricista. Here are pictures with captions.
From stairway.Running wires is hard when walls are solid. These over to the frig, oven, microwave.Lights above the island and power for the hood Island powerLights for the counter and outlets for appliances.
Now we are at the weekend, and a fine weekend it will be! It will be in the upper sixties and bright sun all weekend. I am jonesing for some kind of outing. Just to take the Porsche out for a spin if nothing else.
Today is Wednesday. Our plumber has finished with his part of the job. We have the new caldaia and he demonstrated we now have heat and hot water. All good. Everything looks nice and tidy. Tomorrow we have the elettricista who will do all the wiring. I do not know the next step.
Today the idraulico returned. I found out his name is Omar. He is very good at his job. I was upstairs with Irma this morning, and he was proud to show me the new caldaia. He said he would be here again on Wednesday and Thursday.
The elettricista (Leonardo) was here this morning too so he would know where all the wiring will go. There is a surprising amount that must be done. Outlets on the island and behind the counter. Lighting in the ceiling and above the counters. There will be a wine fridge and the cooktop on the island. The dishwasher, microwave, oven and refrigerator all need power as well. The security system box also needs to be moved and also the fuse box. The plumber also used the only electric outside on the terrace for the caldaia. I asked Leonardo to replace this outlet outside. We watch TV out there and I have a fountain for the fish pond. Both need electricity. Leonardo will be back on Friday to work on the wiring.
Other things. They will put the caldaia pipes behind a new wall. They will build a box for the fuses and will remove the Persiana from above the window. Persiane are what the metal shutters are called that cover all the doors and windows. I don’t see a need for one in the kitchen. And they are very ugly. Here are pictures with captions. They aren’t very different from yesterday but I want to keep a record.
New caldaia.From stairsThe new hook ups for sink and dishwasher.I “think” this is the gas.This is the persiana. There is normally a cover on the front so you don’t see the roll. It rolls up and down to cover the window.
That’s it for today. More plumbing today and tomorrow. Ciao!