The heat spell continues. Daily temperatures of 35C, 95F. Not quite as bad as the over 100 days. At night it cools enough to sleep well. Looks like we have another week of this heat and then it begins to cool to around 30C.
We get our errands done in the mornings. I need one more big pot and would like to get it from our Molini Popolari so it matches the one for the kumquat. But they are sold out and I keep checking to see if they got more. Anyway, they have not. But I did notice this whole array of chicken coops. From very tiny, how many chickens could they hold. One? Two? And up to very large. I have always wanted to keep a couple chickens. But on a roof terrace? I dunno.

I finally bought a cabinet that will hold all my garden stuff, brooms and dust pans. We assembled it on Sunday. I hate assembling things. But we managed with only one mistake and that one wasn’t our fault! Nothing makes me happier than organizing things and making things tidy. Check this out!

Umbertide has begun a major building project. I can’t make hide nor hair of how this is going to work. The aim is to integrate our collegiata, the 15th century round church, into the Centro more. They are separated from each other now by a parking lot and a road. I read they will change the traffic patterns and there will be more places to sit. Here is a scan of the changes. If you can figure it out, let me know!

And on a very sad (and angry) note. There was some major vandalism in the Centro of Umbertide. One of my favorite things was destroyed. It was a pretty Madonna in an arch on a building. They gouged out her face then spray painted all over her. Some people have nothing better to do.

Thursday is the beginning of our huge annual festa, Otto Cento. Merriment and mayhem will prevail. Food, drinks, stilt walkers, dancers, music, costumes. All in the spirit of the late 1800s when Italy became a country. It lasts for four days. We used to live just above it all and it was loud. Now, we have to walk in to visit. If you’re interested type Otto Cento in the search bar on this site to see other years festivals. Lotsa pictures.
Un abbraccio a tutti!
Hello silkroads, sorry, don’t know your name. We are in the far north of Umbria so our area won’t be the best location. I think the valley to the south of Perugia is the best positioned for exploring the main parts of Umbria. It’s in the famous wine area too. I assume you’re driving? Or will you need to be on a train line? If you’re driving staying in the pretty town of Bevagna would be a great choice. You can stay in the town, or in an agriturismo in the area. Using Google maps you can just go to Bevagna and pick hotels. I don’t have any specific recommendations.
Hi Nancy, it’s always fun hearing about your adventures! We’re planning a trip to Umbria in the fall and searching for a unique place to stay, ideally close to the local community and perfect for exploring the area. We’ve come across places like Tenuta di Murlo and Il Baciarino, but we’re having trouble finding more options. Do you have any recommendations?
Thanks so much! Yes, it was a huge endeavor. And as you say, much harder as we age. The place is really too big for us, and hard to keep clean, but I am beginning to like it.
Well the house…it has been a lot of work, especially as you get older, is coming along….looking like you are about all done with your move/relocation.
Hi Carlo, yes, it’s sad. It must be kids. This is tight in the centro hard to figure how they did it without being spotted. Would need a ladder.
My wife is constantly lamenting the presence of graffiti on walls and objects throughout the places we visit, both domestic and abroad, but this defacing of the Madonna is beyond the pale. It’s criminal and should be investigated and prosecuted as such. It’s pathetic. Those who did it are pathetic, whoever they are.
Thanks Matt. I wasn’t serious about chickens 🙂 and yeah. So sad about the Madonna. It wasn’t that old. I think 1985. It was painted by the Rometti family who are famoso for their ceramics. Maybe they can restore.
Hi Nancy: Chickens = Bad idea . . . just sayin. A terrible shame about the Madonna. Hopefully, she can be restored. It’s hard to understand why defacing something like that would give anyone pleasure, oh well. Enjoy the rest of your summer!!