Blessed rain!

It is pouring outside! It has been dastardly hot and this so so refreshing. Also, as always, it has been very dry. I opened the windows. I’m upstairs where I can hear the rain pounding on the roof and on the awning. It just feels so wonderful. We have had 3 or 4 weeks of super hot, as in the upper nineties to one hundred. No break. And it is predicted to continue for two more weeks. So this wonderful storm is very welcome. It will continue for a few hours.

Dinner a couple nights ago, butter tomato sauce pasta. The Roma tomatoes are now in season. I like to make this sauce and freeze it for winter use but here is some I made today.


4 thoughts on “Blessed rain!

  1. Nancy Hampton Post author

    Hi Matt, this is very unusual for here. Our normal summers see not a drop of rain from April to October. So that makes this special and something to celebrate! Especially with non-stop 98-100 degree temperatures for weeks. Those will be back tomorrow. 🙁

  2. Matthew Daub

    Beautiful rain!! Your Umbrian weather sounds very much like ours here in Eastern PA. We had about an hour’s torrential downpour yesterday along with some 50 mph winds and they’re predicting more of the same for late this afternoon, but it hasn’t cooled things down at all. Your tomato sauce looks great!

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