Cold weather this December. We are staying comfortably warm in our upstairs space. Downstairs we don’t heat consistently. I’ll turn it on before I get up and want to take a shower, then turn it off again.
I have finally decided how to use this apartment. I’ve been having trouble with the two floors and two kitchens. We will move downstairs after the holidays for the coldest part of the winter. Normally January and February, but probably March too. It will be our “winter apartment”. This makes sense because we can use the stufa which has been going unused this year so far. Then, when spring has sprung we will move back upstairs. Most painful bit will be moving the kitchen things. I think most of the things that I use all the time I already have two sets. The food needs to move and the spices. Maybe some cast iron pots. Luther’s workspace. So I feel a little better having decided.
Christmas will be upstairs. I drove up to this really great vivaio – nursery in Italian. We get plants there in spring. They go all out for Christmas. I have never seen such an elaborate set up. They created a maze with Christmas trees galore, life sized reindeer and all manner of decorations. Hundreds of poinsettias, all sizes and colors. These are called stella di Natale, Christmas stars. It’s a pretty name.

I bought a smallish stella di Natale which they beautifully wrapped in red paper with gold ribbons. And I got a white wreath frame. I plan to try to make a wreath for our door.

I had thought to buy a smallish, living tree. I figured we could keep it on the terrace in summer. They had quite a few there at the vivaio so I bought one. A Charlie Brown Christmas tree 😁. Well maybe not that bad, but it’s small. I will plant in a pot tomorrow.
I will decorate it tomorrow and take pictures. It looks like it may be hard to hang ornaments. Speaking of which, one of the things I brought back from our storage facility this past March was all my ornaments. I’ve missed them all these years! So it will be a treat to use some of them.
That’s a long road trip Carlo. Buon Natale to you and Mary
hi Lynn, yes I love a real tree at Christmas, no matter its size. This one will grow. They don’t smell as good as the trees I got in the U.S. for some reason. Miss that fragrance! Enjoy you’re little tree! Buon Natale!
I love the little Christmas tree and the poinsettia. We just got back home from Thanksgiving in Florida and a quick visit with family and friends in Annapolis, Maryland. It’s good to be home after 41 days on the road! Merry Christmas!
After 3 1/2 years full time in the Bahamas we finally decided to buy our own ” Charlie Brown Christmas tree”. It’s a 2 1/2 foot Norfolk Pine. We can keep it inside until it grows too big and then plant it. I was able to hang a few light ornaments on it and put our velvet tree undercover under it.Our cat Solomon promptly lay down under the tree! He remembered all the years in Vermont with our fragrant Balsam trees we used to cut down❤️
Oh, I’d love to see a picture of your wreath Joanne! I bet it’s beautiful
Hi Linda, they go all out for Christmas. Very cheery. Maybe we can meet for a drink or something. Send an email.
Buon Natale, Nancy and Luther. I am just finishing my wreath out of olive branches. Have fun with yours.
We will be returning to Umbertide for Christmas and New Year and looking forward to see the town all decorated for the holiday season.
Oh thanks Matt! I enjoy writing about it. I happy you enjoy reading it. 🥰
Me too! The way it is now, not sure how I’ll decorate it.
Merry Christmas to you and Luther, Nancy, and thank you for another wonderful year of sharing your lives with us land lubbers!!
That is a cute tree. Hopefully the branches come down a bit to make hanging ornaments easier. Buon Natale!