Today is International Women’s day. Here in Italy, women are gifted a sprig of mimosa to celebrate. I worked at Books for Dogs this morning and the town was festooned with mimosas. There were big buckets of it on traffic islands, and in front of stores. Women were walking everywhere carrying their mimosa. It is said the mimosa was chosen because it manages to flourish even in difficult conditions and is associated with women’s own resilience and ability to win their rights. Here’s mine. Gifted to me when I went into the Farmacia to fill a prescription 🙂

I normally park on the other side of the river when I drive to town on market days. The river was pretty and I saw my first fisherman!

My little kumquat tree is loaded with fruit. Most isn’t quite ripe yet. You can tell when they are ready because they get extra orange and soften. I have a great recipe for Chicken and Kumquats which I made tonight. My tree.

We have a plethora of pizzerie in our town 😁. They have all different types of pizza. From the super thin, almost cracker crust that is called Roman style to the thicker crust of the Neapolitan style. Last Thursday we went to Degusto which is very near us and Neapolitan in style. Delicioso. This is Luther’s. Mine was prettier but I didn’t take a picture before I destroyed it, by cutting it. Did you know they don’t cut pizza into slices here? You get the whole pie, uncut. I use scissors to cut it if I get it “to go”.

No bathroom updates to speak of. They finally got the wooden form that they needed to use to cut the tiles around the shower stone. But that’s as far as they got. I hope next week we have more progress. This has been a major roadblock. I realize things happen on “Italian Time” here but this is getting tiresome. Oh well. Piano, piano.
Awww. Thanks Matt. And I’m happy your weather is nice there too. It is the transition period so we get changeable weather for a month or two,
Ciao Dotti, se lo vuoi davvero, qui creerai la tua storia! Guardo le notizie e leggo i giornali qui, quindi capisco cosa sta succedendo lì. Che tristezza.
Hi Nancy, and a Happy Woman’s Day to you. It is sunny and spring-like here too, in the fifties, but breezy. I seconnd Liz’s comment: your posts are always uplifting!
Buona Festa della Donne, Nancy! Amo le tue storie di vita in Italia! Un giorno avrò le mie storie in Italia! … Le storie qui negli Stati Uniti sono scoraggianti ultimamente.
Hi Liz, it a benefit to living here. Early spring. And citrus! Thank you for the book recommendation. I will go look it up. I know it is cold there.
It was uplifting to read your blog. Lots of spring yellow. Still cold here in Toronto. I just read a book and while I was reading it, I thought it might be a book you would like to read. It is called The Lost Vintage by Ann Mah. Pizza looks good.