Hi everyone! I know it has been a while. Once we got back from England and got through the Christmas activities things slowed down — and so did I!
The week after Christmas was quiet. The 26th is a holiday here so that was a four day weekend. Our neighbors across the hall brought us some delicious brownies. Hand decorated by Celeste and Chiara. Really sweet of them and sweet to taste too! My birthday is the 28th but I never really do anything. Having a birthday in the week after Christmas is stinky. No one feels like doing anything…including me! So that day passed quietly.
I stayed up until midnight watching the new year come in all over the world on CNN, every hour. There were some pretty amazing displays. I also wanted to see the crazy fireworks in Umbertide from our roof. I can see the town fireworks from here easily down by La Rocca, which I couldn’t see from our old apartment. And then all the Italians are mad for their own shows and boy did they ever. Our next door neighbor, with a roof terrace too, shot off some pretty big and sophisticated fireworks. I took a video which I tried to edit but it didn’t work – sorry. The fireworks farther away are the city fireworks. The ones right above me are from our next door neighbor.
New Year’s Day we went to the New Year brunch (yes a brunch!!) at Calagrana. Brunch isn’t a “thing” here. I haven’t been to one since being in the US. Great menu. It was very hard to choose. We both decided to have the Acciughe which is anchovies. Not just any anchovies but Cantabrico from Spain. With toasted bread and butter. Mmmm. Then I had the Mac and cheese 😁 But Wait! Not just your run-of-the-mill Mac n cheese…it was truffled Mac n cheese! It was good!

We had dinner at C’Era una Volta with the folks who bought Joseph and Paul’s house. Their daughter who lives in Rome came as well. It was nice to meet her. And we had dinner with Susan and Gary.
Susan was an important part of why we moved to a Umbertide in particular. She had a blog about her little vacation apartment on the piazza and I found it. Back in 2013 there weren’t as many blogs about Italy as now. I reached out to her a bit before we came. We also found another tiny blog by a (now) friend in Montone and he put us in touch with Jim our real estate agent. Jim found us a little apartment to rent for three weeks. So we came on a house hunting trip. We looked all over Umbria but by then, we found we quite liked this little town, so we bought our first apartment and flew back home to move permanently here. Thanks to Susan and Gary. The bittersweet is that they moved to Florence a couple years ago and we saw them less frequently but they still had their pretty place here. This dinner last week was our last super together here. They had come to move their belongings because they had sold their house. The end of an era. We will stay friends. I am sure.
Saturday was Epifania, Epiphany. The twelfth day of Christmas. The day the Magi came with gifts for the baby Jesus. The day before was when Befana, the Christmas witch came to visit all the children and leave gifts (or coal if you were bad) in their stockings. Remember the all Santa Claus band recently? Well this night we had an all Witch band!

Waaaay back before Christmas, you may remember the trip report of our short trip to England. Remember the lost backpack that Luther left in the rental car? Well ever since then Luther has been working to get the thing shipped back. We had the help of one of the nicest people ever to work for a rental car company, Victoria. She kindly packed the backpack in a box and affixed the label. It was ready for shipping. The first courier he chose used another company to pick things up and twice they claimed they couldn’t find the Enterprise Rent-a-car desk at the airport. Now seriously…who among us has not been able to find a rental car place in a strange airport? None of us of course! But these dolts couldn’t. So Luther regrouped and tried UPS. He got a message the package had been picked up! Yay! Then nothing. So Luther contacted UPS and they said the package had never arrived to them. They said he should check the shipper. Luther reminded them that THEY are the shipper! Hmmm. So they said they could try to track it but Luther couldn’t ask for that since he didn’t send it. He would have to ask Victoria to do it, which he did. Even though she was on vacation she said she would. Yesterday a courier dropped off a package for us and I went down to get it. It was a small box but it was from the UK! And it was from Victoria! And delivered by UPS. So the long lost backpack is back. The important item was Luther’s hearing aids. €3,500 that we didn’t want to lose. The champagne flowed last night. So relieved!

The cold weather is upon us. I find myself staying in mostly, but I am getting much done. I’m packing our smaller things, books, pottery, etc in preparation for the kitchen to try to keep the dust off. We also are trying to renew our health coverage which expires each year in December 31st. The problem. Italy passed a new budget and they changed the amount that we stranieri have to pay. But no one knows how to implement it since it just was passed December 29th but went into affect on January 1. They are just telling people here in Umbria to come back. It could put us all in limbo for a long time. But I’m hoping we will get resolution soon.
We also are doing jigsaw puzzles. We have always done this in the winter, since I was small. Luther loves them. This one is coming along. Only the really hard-to-do part is left.

I have many wishes for this year. I won’t list them all but I hope we can work together more and there will be more kindness and caring for our fellow humans.
Rocky and I wish you all a Buon anno!

thanks Ragazzi! looking forward to that spring!
Happy birthday Nancy, and happy New Year to both you and Luther! Sounds like the UK was a fun time. Springtime is just around the corner.
Hi Jane! Thank you for refreshing my memory. It’s bad with names and faces, always has been. I do remember meeting at the party. Happy I can keep you up to date on goings on here. When will you return? Buon anno!
Happpy New Year Nancy and Luther … Thank you for all your posts!
I’m just back in London after New Year in Montone. I love reading your blogs it keeps me in touch when I’m not there. (We met at Jill & Stuart’s and I live opposite Tom & Calvert) Hope to catch up sometime this year!
Hi Cynthia, glad you like the “journal” which is what I call it. Back when I was younger my sister and I toyed with the idea of a half birthday – my sisters bday is the 29th. But somehow it wasn’t the same. And I don’t really celebrate now anyway. Maybe I will Lee rate a milestone birthday, who knows! We love jigsaws, and there are hundreds. This one is almost done and we have two more waiting. Not sure that will get us through the winter, but it’s a start!
Hi JP, Oh yes I know Pinturicchio, I knew the former owner. We had him bring people in our town who ordered it, BBQ – it was excellent. Thing is, it is completely inconvenient to go to if you don’t live in Centro Perugia. I did get, and freeze bagels from Calagrana on New Years!
Thanks Ashley! Boy are we happy to have gotten it back!
Nice to see your write-up, Nancy. I’m with Matthew – I really enjoy your posts and feel a little withdrawal if it’s been a while 🙂
Do you ever celebrate your half-birthday? My friends with birthdays during the holiday season have done this, and you get long daylight hours to boot!
I did a few jigsaw puzzles earlier in the pandemic when we were sort of locked down. My favorite one was a poster of different coffee drinks. I never knew there were so many.
We have eaten here for brunch numerous times. They make bagels!!
So lovely to hear your news Nancy & so pleased Luther’s backpack finally returned to you 🤗
Hi Joanne! Thanks!
Buon anno, Nancy. Always love your blog.
I’ve got. Few half written ones that need photos. Never fear
Thank you, Nancy!! I was in total NGTI withdrawal . . . please keep em coming!!