Every year for the last three or four, as part of the Christmas celebration, Umbertide hosts an outdoor art exhibit. It is on one of the main shopping streets, Via Garibaldi. Yesterday, since it was fairly mild out, I walked down the street, admired each painting, and took a picture to share with you all for New Years. There are quite a few entries. I now can more slowly look at them at leisure too!
You will notice that there is a religious theme here (of course). Some I couldn’t figure out how it fit, like the one with the rabbit. Rabbit? Shouldn’t that be Easter? Oh well.
You will also see that our own Saint from Assisi, San Francesco, plays a big part in these paintings. There are a lot with birds and St. Francis. He famously preached to the birds. He loved all creatures. The legend of St Francis and the wolf of Gubbio is one of my favorites. We have even visited the church under which the wolf was supposedly buried. It is only a legend, after all right? Then how? 😳 Read the legend in the link to the end to see. I counted 13 works below that feature St. Francis and the wolf.
My friend, Kathleen Mack has a painting in the exhibition. I promised her I would take pictures since she isn’t here right now. She has an apartment in town and comes for the Schengen shuffle, 90 days here, 90 days in the U.S. I will put hers first and then do all the others for your new years enjoyment! She chose San Francesco and the wolf as well. A couple have captions.
I took a picture of the artists as well. Here they are.
Finally, the obligatory food report. 😁. Yesterday I tried a new recipe called Hoppin John Soup. I like regular Hoppin John for the new year but this was better to me. And if anyone is curious, no, you can’t get black eyed peas here. We have some beans that look like them, but they don’t taste anything like them. I have a small stash of them I brought over.

Finally, on New Years Even we are supposed to all wear red underwear, and eat cotechino with lentils for luck! I kinda think in 2025 we are all going to need that!

Buon anno a tutti!
Oh and to you too Jane!
Happy New Year to you and Luther.. It’s always fun to read your posts – they keep me in touch with my second home.. love from London.
Hi Val, I didn’t think that. Somehow they just seemed like Joseph and Mary to me. But brother Sun and Sister Moon is intriguing.
I’m wondering if the one you thought was Joseph and Mary is Brother Sun and Sister Moon?
Thanks Matt, buon Anno!
You’re welcome Mark! Buon anno!
I echo what Shirley says, Nancy. Your posts always brighten my mailbox, and I’m thankful!!
Caspita! Thanks for sharing the artworks. Happy New Year.
Thanks so much Shirley. Buon anno to you and Frank. We may have some challenges ahead! 😳
Happy New Year’s Nancy and Luther. We love all you posts and appreciate the time you take to share your fun events with us. Hugs and Love, Shirley