The season ended yesterday on the Epiphany— the Epifania in Italian. The last day of the twelve days of Christmas. Commemorating the visit of the magi. Also called Three Kings Day. Sunday was the day that La Befana visited all the children. Read about it here. I took down my tree and he is outside on the terrace where I hope he thrives.

The weather is pretty mild right now but we are heading into the coldest part of the winter. Time for soups, stews and chili. It never gets very cold here. Lowest is around -4C which is about 25F. We like to get a couple weeks of that sort of weather to kill the insects that otherwise plague the olive trees, but not enough that it KILLS the olive trees themselves! I trimmed my little tree back pretty severely. Olive trees are super resilient. I’ve seen them cut back to practically stumps and they rebound well.

I forgot to relate some sad news. One of our fish, Quo, has passed and is in the big pond in the sky. Now there is only Qua. She is asleep and I hope she survives the winter. I will get her a companion when it gets warmer. It’s sad to see Quo go because he and Qua got along so well.
Thanks Matt, I was bummed. ☹️
Another sweet post, Nancy! Condolences to you on the loss of Quo.