This Sunday started out cold and rainy. It is autumn after all so the season is definitely changing. And so is my cooking 🙂. Today I made several things, just because the weather was dreary and it felt right to me.
First I made some of the cheese broth for soup that I periodically make with saved cheese rinds. It makes a nice rich broth. With this broth I made the Spinach orzo soup I posted about last spring. My first soup of the fall! I stashed that in the refrigerator for soups this week.
Then I made a bolognese sauce for pasta. My niece and her husband are arriving next Saturday so I wanted something to make pasta in case we eat at home. That went into the freezer.
Last I made our dinner for tonight which is pork chili verde. A new recipe I wanted to try and it is a nice autumn dish. Luther liked it. I was OK with it.

To be honest the day actually got better around midday. We still had occasional showers and it stayed cool but there was quite a lot of sun. Here is our sunset last night, with some of my flowers in the foreground.

Buona domenica a tutti!
I made a lentil soup on Friday which was the perfect dish to usher in the changing weather.
Hi Nancy – I believe I’d rather eat at your place than a lot of the restaurants you post, and believe me that’s a compliment! My sisters-in-law are coming to visit next week and they’ll both have their birthdays while they’re here. They’ve requested a Bolognese sauce. My son sent me a good recipe that he dumbed down a bit. It’ll still take hours of pot watching and stirring, but I’m confident. I’ll let you know how it turns out.