I’m concerned that so many in the US are planning to either travel on Thanksgiving, or are joining family and/or friends for the traditional meal. This is a very bad idea. It could kill your friends and family. I hope you’ll heed the CDC directive just out today. Don’t travel. Stay home. Be safe. There is always next year… You need to be very careful so you and your family can get to the time when the vaccine is available. It is totally up to you. Please chose carefully. It is only this one thanksgiving…it is not so hard to wait til next year.💕

What do you think about having the whole celebration outdoors? Just curious…..
Absolutely agree! Thanksgiving is my favorite time of year to come together with family just like the next and I miss them dearly, but its not worth the risk for anyone. But taking personal responsibility is about all we can do at this point. So this year we will be spending some time video chatting over a meal, a little trivia/drinks, and call it wrap for extended family time. At home, it will then be some yummy “seconds”, Netlfix, and some ZZZ’s! Be safe everyone. <3
Well said, we have the same feeling and family can wait to see us. We can celebrate any time if we’re safe, when we’re safe.
We’re staying home. Haven’t seen friends or family from home in a year now, but it’s not worth traveling right now.
Right? Its a darn poultry dinner. Who cares? I’d rather not have my son over and get my hubby or I sick.
Its a nice 4 day weekend. I can binge “The Crown”