156,363 positives in Italy. Up 2.7% – 19,899 deaths.
1,319 positives in Umbria. Up 0.7%.
546,874 cases in the US – 21,686 deaths.
Easter dinner. Very scrumptious. Racks of lamb. Potatoes Dauphinois and eggplant with tomatoes in saffron.

Today is Pasquetta…little Easter. It is, and always has been, a holiday when the Italians go out and enjoy nature and celebrate after Lent. Usually with family groups, or friends and a big picnic…or they go to the seashore. Of course, none of this will be happening today.
Being Monday of yet another week on lockdown it is a little depressing. It doesn’t help that the skies are gray. But I know we are marching towards the light at the end of the tunnel. We will get there one day.
Spring flowers – so pretty and cheerful…thank you Jill!

Short post today. 🌈 Andrà tutto bene…