Every year, on November 22, Italy celebrates Santa Cecilia, patron saint of music. Here in Umbertide it is a long-standing tradition that our town band rides through the streets and Piazze of Umbertide on a flatbed truck playing music at the wee hour of 3:50 AM. I woke last night to the sounds of our band, enthusiastically waking everyone nearby with their trumpets blaring and the drums pounding. I wrote a post about Santa Cecilia in 2019 which tells about this Saint. In 2020, of course, the band could not assemble because of Covid restrictions, but I was puzzled to still be awakened by the sound of music! This time a stereo system was on the truck instead of the band. A little sad but the tradition lived on, I guess. This is the type of thing, this keeping of traditions, that I love about living here.
Last night I snapped a couple of pictures, poor quality that they are, I decided to share them here.

Buongiorno di Santa Cecilia! 🎶