Today is Wednesday. Our plumber has finished with his part of the job. We have the new caldaia and he demonstrated we now have heat and hot water. All good. Everything looks nice and tidy. Tomorrow we have the elettricista who will do all the wiring. I do not know the next step.

Stay tuned!
Thanks Lisa! It is, will be, a journey for Sure!
I look forward to seeing your emails in my inbox. Thank you for sharing your remodel journey with all of us.
Carlo, wow, that’s a ROAD trip. How long will it be? Have fun.
All the best to you and Luther in your upstairs kitchen project! We’re on a road trip from Colorado to the Florida Keys. We’re spending a few days on Marathon Key at a Gulf shore resort hotel near my brother’s condo on the Atlantic side. Beautiful weather for the winter. Talk to you again soon. Again, all the best!
Hi Matt, they will enclose this one because it is a model meant to be inside. It is under a big overhang and protected but to be extra safe they will enclose it. So we won’t see it. This house had both caldaie inside and I actually MUCH prefer them to be outside. Our old apartment had the caldaia in an attic which was actually perfect. The reason this caldaia is an inside model is that for some weird reason the outside ones are made very wide and wouldn’t fit in the space. No one knows why.
I’m happy and impressed to see so much progress . . . I’ll bet you’re even happier! Another thing I’ve never understood about Italian culture is why they usually hang those dang ugly caldaias right out in the open. I guess it doesn’t look as ugly to them?