We are settled back in now. It is raining steadily, day and night. This encourages the Tiber river to jump it’s banks. It is supposed to rain for most of the next week. It could get higher.

This is a kind of wrap up from our vacation. Best and worst. Some random pictures from my big camera. I have to wait to get home to off-load them. The first three are the Alsace. I adored that dog who knew how to chill. The last picture is of the alps in Germany covered with new snow.

Best and worst.
Best room — the apartment in Potschach
Worst room — Maison Bergdorf Interlaken
Best breakfast — tie between Herrsching and the last night in Slovenia.
Best lunch — tie between Gasthaus Obermühle and Osteria del Centenario in Locarno
Worst lunch — Das Pumpe, Klagenfurt (not awful, but awful for you!)
Best dinner — Hiša Franko
Best lake — Königssee
Today is election day here in Italy. I am sorry to read that the far right parties are predicted to win by a landslide. Anti-immigration. Anti-abortion. Sound familiar? You just can’t get away from it, it seems. The only ray of sunlight is that the coalitions probably won’t last and there will be a new election.😑