Summertime perfection

The weather has turned perfect after the heat wave. Highs in the low 90s – 33C here. Breezy and low humidity. Last night we had the most spectacular sunset which I want to share. No enhancements, all natural.

Now that the heat has broken it is not so bad to cook so I have been cooking some. Nothing heavy. Last night a tuna salad stuffed tomato. Not cooked obviously. Quite nice, and as a side we had friggitelli, small green peppers which we fry and eat as a side or antipasto. Last year we grew to love these in Spain as tapas. I was thrilled to find them here too.

Last night, a shrimp dish. Hot honey shrimp on summer slaw. It was nice but next time I’ll be adding something spicy, like a sliced jalapeño.

How does my garden grow? You ask? The tomato plants are ENORMOUS and I’m excited to see our first ripening tomato!!

Can’t wait to try it! Happy summertime a tutti!

3 thoughts on “Summertime perfection

  1. Ashley

    Nancy that looks so yummy ! We love prawns or shrimp as you call them. I’m pleased to hear you also like spicy things. Adu loves jalapeños and chilli and it’s the one thing we found lacking in a lot of our European travels at restaurants. Of course you can make spicy food at home.
    Interestingly the most spicy pizza he had was at the Golden Saloon where I also loved my Pizza Mare. I know you mentioned pizza in another post. Have you tried the Golden Saloon?

  2. Matthew Daub

    Nancy, Your food always looks just as good as the restaurants you visit! Here on the East Coast US we see small peppers served and prepared as you describe. They call them shoshitos. Very mild and served as an appetizer.

  3. Sandi

    Hi Nancy,
    This all looks scrumptious! When we were in Italy last September, we had the fried peppers and I fell in love. We don’t have the same peppers here in France, but I think poblanos are a good substitute. I tried them but they didn’t have the deep, delicious flavor that we found at the restaurant. Is there a trick you can share?
    We’re still sorry we won’t be seeing you when you are in Rouen. Some of our plans have changed, but I can’t remember your dates. Could you send them again?
    xxx Sandi

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