After three straight weeks of broiling…temperatures 35-38 or more (that’s upper 90s to over 100) suddenly…out of the blue…we have (unforecast) thunderstorms. The land all around is parched. It is drinking in the water thirstily. Pure pleasure to hear and watch.

Thunderclaps sounded and echoed around the mountains surrounding us. The wind cooled the air. I threw all our closed up shutters and windows open to catch the wind…to cool the house. 

Then the large drops splashed loudly on the piazza. At first, it created steam, from the cool drops meeting the hot stones. But eventually, the stones cooled and the steam went away. Now it patters down as the storms have moved through, but a steady rain remains. A small moment of relief. 

Now the sun shines. It is alright. ☀️🙂

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