If your take your time and go slowly, there are many things to see here. This is a secret garden right on my city street!

This is right in front of our house. It is nice to have green space and these trees are very tall up above the level or our terrace so it is also nice to look at from up there. This is Piazza Carlo Marx.

Across from our apartment is this well tended palm tree. They are pretty when you trim the old dead leaves from them. People are surprised when they see so many palm trees here.

This is a neglected palm on the way to Cento.

Tis the end of the season but this garden is lovely and still has some produce for its family.

Many trees have lost their leaves now but this street still has trees with a lot of leaves. They are turning yellow.

Our closest wine shop.

Our train station. I heard today that they will be upgrading this line and extending it, which will be most welcome.

I had an envelop to mail to the US. A Tabacchi sells foreign stamps. But not stamps for within Italy for some strange reason. A Tabacchi also does a lot of other things. They sell the €16 tax stamp called Marca da Bollo which you need for most official documents. They sell bus and train tickets and they sell the very important lottery tickets to those who play. And they also have their own merchandise. This one sells nice cards for occasions like birthdays, Christmas, christening, wedding etc. This street is one of the two main shopping streets going into the Centro. Via Garibaldi.

This is the elementary school. And just beyond it is the Collegiata di Santa Maria della Reggia, a church begun in 1540 and finished in 1640.

The old highway that was replaced by the four lane E45 still parallels it and runs through the towns. This is how you get through Umbertide on this smaller road. It is confusing right here where it splits into two one way lanes and then splits again and goes two ways. It seems it had to get around that house you see in the picture. To get through you’d go to the right first, then left and around this building and out the other end of town.

la Rocca, our fortress. And next the entrance to the Centro Piazza Matteotti.

The market and some of the produce. The big zucca is the winter squash I roast to make soups. They lop off however much you want.

This is the town clock. The time as I take this picture is 11:45 am. As you can see it is not working correctly. Sadly, it has been this way since our friends Joseph and Paul sold their apartment and moved away. The new owners are not permanent residents so no one is available to maintain the clock, nor to let someone in from the city to maintain it. It’s sad because all of the citizens rely on this clock. It is a real part of Umbertide. 🙁

Returning home with my bounty, and after a short stop in the Carrefour grocery, I took these last pictures of the Rocca and some of the pretty yards along the way.

I know some of the folks who read this enjoy seeing the everyday stuff in our town and our lives so every so often I like to do this. It also makes ME look around at my surroundings more closely. We all tend to take what is nearby for granted and don’t appreciate the little beauties all around.
Buona domenica a tutti!
I’ve read many professional photographers stating that some of their favorite shots were taken right around where they live or were living at some time. Even if I’m not taking photos, which, of course, is now easier due to phones with cameras, I like to notice the scenes around town & country that we so often overlook in the rush of daily life. I learned it from a Smithsonian walking tour through the “hidden alleys” of Georgetown in Washington, DC many years ago. I’ve never forgotten those scenes.
“ Our train station. I heard today that they will be upgrading this line and extending it, which will be most welcome.” — Is it possible that someday you might be able to get to Rome directly from Umbertide?
Thanks for the stroll with you today. We really enjoyed it.
Beautiful! Makes me feel like I’m there!
Fabulous looking town. I’m living vicariously through your posts and photos.
How I loved seeing the photos , recognizing so many of them. Weather also looks pretty darn nice.
Thanks Nancy! That was a sweet little tour of your lovely Umbertide. I must remember to ask for a wedge of zucca at the mercado. I didn’t realize it was sold by the ette.
Ciao, Lisa
I love the photos, it brings it all to life. Umbertide has it’s charm no matter what season it is, nice little anecdote about the clock, I hope they find a way to access it.
Thanks for taking us along, Nancy. I feel like I’ve come to know Umbertide, even though I’ve never been there.