Today, I decided change my title from Corona Virus, to COVID-19. Here’s why.
Experts refer to this coronavirus as the “novel coronavirus,” meaning it’s a new type of coronavirus that was not previously known or understood by health experts. COVID-19 is the illness caused by the novel Coronavirus. I thought this an apt analogy. “this is, technically speaking, like using the term ‘dog’ to describe a cocker spaniel.” So COVID is the breed of the dog called novel Coronavirus.
143,626 positives in Italy. Up 3%. 18,279 deaths.
1,298 positives in Umbria. Up 0.6%. 51 deaths total.
Amounts up from yesterday 😕.
452,582 cases in the US. 16,129 deaths.
A group of us on Facebook have a page for those of us around here. We were discussing garments for the isolation. For myself, I just change from night PJs to soft yoga pants and tunic tops. Very comfy. Then back to night PJs. Of course, if I’m going to take out the trash, I put on makeup, and change into good jeans and a sweater. Keeping up appearances is SO important… 👄 👁
Another friend mentioned they’ve rigged up a box outside their house for deliveries. Then when they get food or a package they take it to the disinfecting station, he said. Well, I was duly impressed that his town even HAD a disinfecting station! I was envious. Umbertide doesn’t have one. So I asked him what it was. Turns out he and his wife have cleared a storeroom in their house and a potting table and they put any new things on it and spray with a disinfecting solution. Then put on shelves for 72 hours. This, they call, their disinfecting station 🤣😂 Hahaha. Joke’s on me.
Death rates are going up in most nations who shut down a couple weeks after Italy. We also had this here. The death rate lags significantly behind the infected rate, as we are now seeing in NY. Don’t be discouraged. It is to be expected as the very sick are dying behind the curve.😕
Wowzers moments!
”When the British government asked people to help the National Health Service (NHS) during the coronavirus crisis, it called for a “volunteer army.” Within four days, 750,000 people had signed up — three times the original target and four times the size of the British armed forces.”
To me this defines the British spirit…takes me back to stories of WWII days when every last British citizen was doing “something” in the war effort….we need this now. Everywhere.
I loved, loved this little story…” Michael Hayes, 55, is a taxi driver who joined the volunteer army and is awaiting his first official assignment. In the meantime, he spends about five hours a day driving NHS staff home, at no cost, from Newham University Hospital in East London, where his three children were born. “Some of them come out, they’ve had dreadful days, the worst . . . and they are walking out thinking, ‘I still got to get home,’ I’m sort of like a little ray of sunshine,” Hayes said. “They see me sitting there and I whiz them home.”🥰
Happily I can report some of the same in the US.
Celebrity chef José Andrés’s organization and Nationals Philanthropies are partnering to use the [DC] ballpark as a cooking and distribution site for free meals in the community. The effort’s production capability target is 50,000 meals a day.
Kudos to José Andrés and Nationals Philanthropies!
Last night we had hamburgers…absolutely Luthers favorite meal. I would roll my eyes but well, you get the picture. I do a small patty for myself and have it with a nice salad. It is OK.
Yesterday I heard from two long lost friends! It is SO good to touch base again. One from AnviCom, my favorite company to work for during my working career. It was really like a family. And the other a friend who worked mostly with Luther on a project. She has retired to her ancestral home in Kennebunk Maine. Happy to touch base again. 🥰 Sometimes a tragedy like this has silver linings of a sort.
It’s a beautiful new day now. Sunny and mild weather for days on end. I would love to plant something. Maybe it’s too early. I just would love to see flowers on my terrace. Here are some more flower pictures, and a picture my neighbor got of the pink Super Moon.

Stay safe and stay the course…don’t give up. We are doing it!
🌈 Andrà tutto bene…