They said they would come today to install the kitchen…and THEY DID! It is a bit different getting a new kitchen here from in the US. I remember renovating our kitchen in Virginia. Painful experience and it took eight weeks. Here, they come and measure the space carefully. Then go away and order it all from the factory. They build it in the factory, and then on the appointed day, they come and assemble it. They arrived at 9 am and finished by 7 pm. Some pictures during the assembly.

That’s Johnluca doing the installing. He doesn’t speak great English. But he keeps trying. He says he tries to speak to customers in English, French and Spanish. Good for him! We helped him learn new words and phrases throughout the day.
And … the final product! It still needs a few finishing touches. The baseboard is not there. The plumber needs to come and hook up the water and gas. And the backsplash has not been attached yet. It’s not my dream kitchen, but it will do for now.

Home for Sale in Umbertide
Our friends are selling their beautiful home here in Umbertide. It is situated on the prettiest square in town, Piazza San Francesco. It also has beautiful, calm views of the Tiber river and is walking distance to all services. It was finished to a very high standard. I wanted to publicize it to my group of reader friends here, in case anyone is looking or if you know anyone who is looking. Here is the website: “Our Umbertide Property”. Please share!
Yesterday we had a cold front move through with very high winds and thunderstorms. The temperature dropped precipitously. But after the storms we were treated to a beautiful sunset. I don’t have the view I used to have, but this is pretty nice.

Hi Nancy, I just came across your blog when I was searching things I saw on Google earth. I am in the process of buying an apartment in Piazza Marconi. I will also need a kitchen. Yours came out very nice, can I ask where you ordered it from and the approximate cost? I will also need many other things and services but one thing at a time. This could take me years, I work full time in New York and retirement is not planned for quite a few years to come but I am getting ready!
I am so happy to see all of your posts full of really good info on the local scene in Umbertide. I am sure I will be asking you many questions, if you don’t mind. Thank you!!!
Looks beautiful and very functional! It may not be your dream, but I sure like it 🙂 .
Hopefully you’ll get the upstairs kitchen sorted before the hot weather sets in. Until then, I guess your InstantPot will be getting a workout. As a fellow user, I’d love to hear more about what you make in it.
Very nice! clean lines and very functional. Now to the cooking!
Fabulous!!! Everything seems to be moving along at breakneck speed (easy for me to say). Is the wall where the installer is standing still coming out? I think I remember you saying something about that.