195,351 positives in Italy. Up 1.2% – 26,384 total deaths since beginning of the outbreak.
There are 1,366 positive cases in Umbria. 62 total deaths.
926,442 cases in the US – 53,184 deaths. These numbers are really climbing…
Yesterday marked the anniversary of the 1945 fall of Mussolini’s Italian Social Republic and the end of the Nazi occupation in Italy.
April 25 is a national holiday in Italy commemorating the liberation of Italy from Nazi occupation and the fascist regime in 1945, accomplished largely by Italian organized insurrections in major cities and the advancing American and British armies.
It’s a public holiday across Italy, with government offices and schools closed and lots of festivities, flags and parades! ……
……But not in 2020. 😢
I made a blueberry cake today. I have to admit, it’s pretty ugly! But it tastes good!

Last night we had a low hanging crescent moon, evening star, and the dusky sunset over the river. Not the best photo.

Sunday. Beautiful Sunday. It was my turn to go pick up our delivery from Calagrana. We’ve got this down to a science now. We carry the trash down to the bottom of the steps for throw away after drop off of food in car. Drive trash to parking lot and park. Dispose of trash. Return home on foot. But first, I had to do the pickup. I had my Autodeclarazione. My sunglasses, my mask…off I went. I came around the corner to the road that crosses the Tiber river. On the bridge sat a police car in the middle of the road. He had his window open and was talking to the person in another car that was stopped. I hesitated. Figured I couldn’t wait so went on ahead. The other car left and the police car stayed in the center so I moved over to the to pass to the right. I opened my window and his was open. Quickly I pulled up my mask. He said “salve” I said “Buongiorno”. He said “come stai?” I said “bene, bene”. I asked if he needed to see my Autodeclarazione. He nodded. He read my name out loud…Nancy Gilmer Hampton…pronouncing my middle name with a soft G like George. I volunteered I was American and lived in Umbertide. He asked what I was doing in Umbertide? It is the question we always get. I didn’t laugh…I explained I was retired and liked Italy. He smiled and let me go on my way. Ely, from Calagrana had watched the whole thing from the other end of the bridge where she was waiting. Well, it wasn’t so bad. I understood everything he said, and I replied in Italian. He seemed a little amused, but that was OK.
So I picked up our boxes and returned, disposed of the trash, and washed all my items scrupulously. To include my hands! Mission accomplished for this week.

The upcoming week should be our last of the full lockdown we’ve endured for nearly 8 weeks. May 4, one week from tomorrow we will have the rules loosened. Jogging, walking with Luther along the river will be allowed. Leaving our Comune for another part of Umbria will be allowed. Luther is happily counting down the days.☺️. The US has farther to go since we here in Italy started much sooner than you did. We here in Italy have stayed the course and slowed the plague. Stay safe wherever you are! and hang in. I know it is hard. 🌈
Hi Nancy, Even though you don’t think they’re “picture perfect” , your shots of the moon rise and blueberry cake look AMAZING! And glad to hear your Italian lessons are paying off when they REALLY count!! Ben fatto!
One should also mention the significance of April 25 in Umbertide: one year before the Liberation, April 25 1944, Allied bombs (aiming for the nearby bridge) destroyed a city block that is the present-day Piazza XXV Aprile, killing over 70 people. This year the mayor stood alone at the commemoration.