205,463 positives in Italy. Up 0.9%- 27,967 total deaths since beginning of the outbreak.
There are 1,392 positive cases in Umbria. 67 total deaths. Better today. Only up one case and one death.
1,094,640 cases in the US – 64,324 deaths.
Here is some news that makes me very sad. People can’t decide, to stay home, for their own safety without risking losing their jobs, insurance and LIVES. It is so wrong. The message to workers is ‘endanger your life or starve.’
For example…Headline —
Republican-led states signal they could strip workers’ unemployment benefits if they don’t return to work, sparking fresh safety fears.
I read an article about Louisiana and how people didn’t understand the seriousness. And I say… NO. You cannot have backyard cookouts with your friends! How do you think this thing spreads!?😳
Sorry to get on my soapbox again. I can’t help it.
Suddenly, I have an overwhelming desire to go out to lunch at a favorite restaurant. 😢 Sometimes, it just overwhelms me. I cry for our losses of freedom. And our people. Will I ever be able to dine casually among friends again in my lifetime? I don’t want to face the possibility that I won’t. It is/was one of life’s pleasures.
I got an email promotion from United Airlines. We have been frequent fliers with them for years because their hub is Dulles Airport in DC from which we normally flew. It also has the only direct non-stop flight from Dulles to Rome. Just in the summer months. Anyway, the promotion offers flights that can be changed or canceled without a fee. And you can reschedule for anytime in the next 12 months. I would have to check the fine print on what that last bit means. So, the question is, am I an optimist or a pessimist? 😏 I thought of booking a flight to the US next spring. Which, I hope, could be extended up to a year. I could also move it forward if things were better for travel. I’ve got until May 31 to decide. Tough one!
I really, in my heart of hearts, don’t think travel will be better in 2021. People on the Facebook groups I follow (Living in Italy and Americans Living in Italy) are always asking for other people’s opinions on when they can come to Italy. These groups, contrary to their names, have many members who DON’T live here. But are wannabes and dreamers. Or part-time residents with second homes. I want travel to open soon too. 25% of Italy’s economy is tourism. So the sooner the better. But they/we must be very cautious.
Its a gray Saturday. But it is supposed to get sunny and temperatures up to 24C which is quite warm. We have to take the trash out (again). It never stops! There is a bag of biodegradable waste down in the hall that is stinking up the whole building! Plus a trip to the farmacia and the ATM machine are necessary. All of his is just downstairs so not a problem. Luther is still counting down the days. Today is day 2️⃣ until Phase 2 begins! Jogging here he comes!
Now for some pictures from the properties of two friends. Tom and Carol and Jill and Stuart. They live in opposite parts of our nearby area on two different mountaintops. And they have gorgeous properties. I picked a few that I liked. I hope you do too 😌

Enjoy your weekend as best you can, safely. Have a cookout on your deck, patio or yard…and enjoy a glass of vino! 🌈🍷
I follow air travel discussions especially on FlyerTalk a lot, and the general thought is that it isn’t the time to spend new money on flights, unless the travel is essential and soon. United is known to impose tough routing changes and weasel out of giving a refund.