Hey all. Nice and very hot day today. We went out to the market this morning and bought some more tomatoes, squash, eggplants and best of all, the famous potatoes from Pietralunga. You may laugh but they have a potato sagra that (in normal years) is pretty famous. But times have changed…alas.
Numbers keep going up in Italy. It is very sad. There are 1,071 cases today. Umbria has 18 new cases. You may remember we had just over 600 cases just two days ago.😢
We did go out for a nice aperitivo with our friend Vera who is going through a bit of a rough patch. We wanted to take her out for a break from her problems. This is lo Scoiattolo (the squirrel), situated high above Lago Trasimeno, where we enjoyed their terrace.


My spritz. Liked the glass.

Scary here as things turn around. I have to accept we went through a very strict lockdown , got it under control, and now we are enjoying our summer, which seems to be allowing the virus to re-occur. Sigh. It seems there is no way out of this thing. We need a vaccine I guess. Keep safe everyone.
🌈 andrà tutto bene.