225,435 positives in Italy. Up 0.3% – 31,908 total deaths since beginning of the outbreak.
There are 1,424 positive cases in Umbria. 73 total deaths. Two new cases, zero additional deaths.
1,480,873 cases in the US – 89,318 deaths.
Monday — gray day with sprinkles. We have started a new Phase today. I am calling it Phase 2.1 — Our numbers in Italy are impressively small, only 145 deaths. 675 new cases. I just hope opening up doesn’t ruin all our hard work. But I am happy for the merchants, bars, and restaurants. It was extremely hard for them all.
We went out with the intention of taking the Porsche out for a much needed drive. It’s been sitting for over three months. But on our way through town we ran into the Books for Dogs team. When they closed up for the shutdown, it was wintertime. But now, it’s spring. All the clothes they have in the shop are winter clothes. So they’ve got to sort out the merchandise and change over. As we strolled along we noted all the shops have opened. Lots of bustle going on. A stop in the farmacia, then we crossed the river to the garage.
We keep the Porsche on a constant trickle charge since it isn’t drive all that much. But, for some reason, it didn’t seem to keep the battery charged this time. Luther thinks it wasn’t plugged in right. So, no ride for us and we have to sort out how to get it started. Also it needs its annual servicing so it needs to go to the dealer in Perugia.
So much for our Monday outing. Other than that we had nothing planned for today.
I did get up this morning and made a nice big soup for our lunches this week. So, on that note I will close for today.

Jill’s garden is here to brighten up our gray day! The Irises have given way to the roses! So beautiful.

Enjoy your week, whatever you do. Just be careful. 🌈