Not new kitchen for a change!

Today was an amazing day. The weather was mild. The sky was blue and sunny. I went first to the kilometer zero market. I drove and parked nearby for a couple reasons. I had a donation for Books for Dogs charity, I didn’t want to carry my purchase from the market back home, and I wanted to walk along the river which I haven’t done since I moved last year. I hope you enjoy the pictures I took.

First the market. I bought this first one which was insalata del campo. And the second picture is of cardo, or cardoons in English. We are just starting to see very early spring veggies like spring onions and field greens.

This bell tower is what is left of a church which was the only church in the centro called Chiesa di San Giovani. It houses the bells that ring for the bigger church as well as the ones that ring the hours of the day.

These next pictures are the ones I took along my walk by the river. Many are river views. This first one is of a mimosa which is in full bloom. One of the earliest flowering trees.

The path down to the river.

Cat on a (not) hot tin roof.

Some kind souls provided these two cat condos and a Centrol Commerciale Miao for the two feral cat communities.

These next ones are all along the river. So pretty today.

Tomorrow will be another nice day. We hope to do a giro around Umbria. There are some parts I have not yet explored. Buon fine weekend!

6 thoughts on “Not new kitchen for a change!

  1. Nancy Hampton Post author

    Hi Lindsay, funnily the workers don’t work on the weekends! So weekends are great. It is true, spring is popping out already!

  2. Lindsay

    Lovely photos, it really looks like Spring is truly waiting to burst through in all its finery. It’s good you’re having a break from the upheaval of the reno.

  3. Nancy Hampton Post author

    Oh Matt, so sorry. I miss snow but the very early springs here make up for it. Today was amazing. Take er easy on the shoveling. ❄️

  4. Matthew Daub

    This is a great post, Nancy! I always enjoy walking along with you to do your shopping, etc. Brava! This was a particularly cheery one for me because of your blue sky. We had about 10″ of snow earlier in the week and were supposed to get another 1-3″ last night. Woke up to about another 10 and a bunch of weathermen trying to explain why they were SO wrong. Oh well, back to shoveling.

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