So the “new to us” pizza craze never materialized. The pizzeria is not reachable by phone. Oh well.
Today is Friday. Our painter, Luca, has left for the weekend. He finished the upstairs and will start on the downstairs on Monday. This will be more painful to us since we live in the downstairs. I’m sure it will all work out. Here are a few pictures of the newly repaired and painted walls. They look nice. My blank slate!

Bodacious huh? I love it all clean and new. Much to do but as I said, a blank slate. My lemon tree is as happy as I have ever seen it. It is inside and has great sun. Look at all the new leaves and buds.

So things progress. Much left to do but I suppose I have plenty of time. Piano piano.
Ciao for now!
There’s nothing like a blank slate, Nancy! And what gorgeous floors you have. I’m happy for you guys!
The place looks great – very bright and cheery. Auguri!
Beautiful! So, is your new place in the outskirts of town? How is it different from the Centro Storico?
Wow!! Your new place looks fantastic. Amazing what a bucket of white paint will do. You know, Nancy, I’ve been thinking . . . You and Luther are now living like real Italians. Expats want the romance of the Centro Storico (I would too), but most Italians live like you do now.